Formerly known as Consilience Technologies

Improving quality of service with faster data insights

Improving quality of service
with faster data insights


A big interconnect telco was dealing with over a billion minutes and 800M calls each day. It took 4 days to process the data to give them visibility into why customer complaints were on the rise. Calls were dropping midstream with call saturation at the switch level as one culprit. Speeding up their data processing and using ML analysis allows for proactive addressing of call saturation scenarios, resulting in happier customers.


Reduced 4-day consumption period down to 15 minutes to detect anomalies and speed response time
Provided a platform to consume 800M+ records in near real-time, enriching and pinpointing congested switches across the nation, and revealing where calls were getting dropped and why.
Near real-time Alert Management platform allows creation of alerts such as QOS dipping below 95% and sub-optimal call routing for maximizing profitability.
CDR streams off the switches help determine call saturation
Machine Learning capabilities determine the core cause for disconnections
Depending on the output of ML analysis, call saturation routing alerts are raised
Ad hoc and scheduled Report Management
Interactive dashboards for visualization
QOS Analytics per switch per customer per trunk group
Call Routing Analytics for cost and traffic analysis
Real-time Trunk Group saturation and capacity planning